I believe that Rob Ford will be Toronto’s best Mayor. In this article Rob Ford talks about all of the things he wants to do to benefit the city. Mr. Ford wants to clean up and make the streets better, wants to help the taxpayers to have more money in their wallet, Rob Ford will use budget savings and asset sales to cut the city’s debt by $1.58 billion over four years, and he also wants to help the union workers.
Rob ford wants to clean up the streets and make them more efficient, clean, and easier to use. He wants to clean up and stop all the graffiti. He is going to resolve this by hiring 100 front line officers, 30 for schools and 70 for the Toronto Anti Violence Intervention Strategy. He is unleashing city staff into the streets to clean all of the graffiti. To make the streets easier to use he is synchronizing the lights for faster traffic, he is color coating the curbs for parking zones, and is also creating a hundred kilometer ravine and trail for bikers to remove some of the biking from the trafficked areas. The last and major thing he wants to fix on the streets is replacing streetcars with busses. Rob ford also wants to help out the tax payers of Toronto. He has abolished the personal vehicle tax and by 2012 is getting rid of the municipal land transfer tax, “Which means thousands of dollars you don’t have to hand over to the city if you’re in the market for a house.” says Rob Ford.
I believe that rob ford is going to be and is Toronto’s best Mayor. Rob has made many promises that can be done and I believe will be done very soon. Everything Rob is promising benefits all of the Torontonians. He wants to make the streets cleaner and easier to use which is a big problem in Toronto. By Rob cleaning up the streets it helps and makes all Toronto residents happy. Also rob is helping Toronto by saving all of its residents a lot of money. I believe everybody loves to save money and that’s exactly what rob is doing. Therefore, I believe everything Rob is doing truly benefits Toronto.