Twins Triniti and Ghabriael Cunningham are your average fraternal twins. They were sadly born 11 weeks early but pulled through and are growing healthy babies. They like to play together and are quite happy. Although they are brother and sister and twins a rare occurrence that had occurred. Triniti and Ghabriael were different skin color. Triniti is black and Ghabriael is white. The odds of this happening are rare to never and in fact it is so rare there is no statistic to display the odds. It is said this had occurred because one child got more genes that controlled for more darkly pigmented skin color. While the other twin had received more genes that had coded for less pigmentation.
This is such a rare occurrence and i believe it is a fantastic miracle. I believe that these twins are both very lucky that they are healthy and happy and that they shouldn't care about what color they are. Also, I think that it is very amazing that they are twins but they are different skin color. In conclusion i am very happy for this family to have awesome twins.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Obama proposes fee for Canadian visitors to the U.S.

I believe this a ridiculous thing for President Obama to do. We are an alliance and he shouldn’t charge his fellow country to enter his country. Although the U.S is in a huge financial deficit he shouldn’t charge Canadians to enter his country. When Canadians enter the U.S. Canadians usually spend money so there is no reason for us to spend an Extra $5.50 for the U.S to make money.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Dalai Lama's Nephew Killed

I believe it is very sad that a man of this importance and of this stature was killed. He was killed very unfortunately and it is sad that he died this way. But although he did die he died doing the thing he loved the most. He died helping a cause he believed in. I also feel very bad for the man who hit Norbu because it was not his fault but he still did kill a person. Also, I think the highway should put lights up because 2 people have already died by getting hit by cars. So in conclusion I believe this highway should have lights to prevent people from injury and death.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
TTC worker charged in bus passenger assault

I believe that the bus driver did a wrong thing by taking the situation to the next level. The driver should have just said to the people move back and just stay calm. The bus driver should be fired because that is not tolerated in today’s society. The TTC Company should also give the Gould family a VIP pass for the bus so that they can ride the bus for free. In conclusion I believe the gould family deserves an apology for the wrong done by the TTC driver.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Canadians facing charges in Dominican

I believe this is unfortunate event for Canadians and all who have known Jordan Morrison. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He did a heroic act by defending the young lady who was being harassed. Jordan was going to be in the military and he would have been an amazing asset to Canada’s military. It was also said that only 2 of the Canadian men will stay in jail until the case is over. But the other Canadian and Algerian will most likely post bail. I strongly believe that jail time should be handed out to all who were in the fight. It is a true misfortune to see such a great person die in such an awful way.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Cairo's Tenth Day of Protests

If I were an Egyptian Citizen I would join the protestors. They are fighting for a greater cause. The Citizens of Cairo are fighting for their freedom! The President of Egypt’s time is over; it is time for a turn for the best. I believe that if he were a true president he would step down and honor what his people want. The President is causing death and chaos in his own people and country. I also believe that there should be even more military presence and also more arrests to the people throwing fire bombs. All in all I believe that the president of Egypt should step down his time is over.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Protests in Cairo

The outbreak of protests started in Cairo only days ago. The protests are due to all of the citizens of Cairo wanting to over throw their president. There have been peaceful and also physical protests in Cairo. Close to 1 million Egyptians are anticipating the major demonstration that is taking place on Friday. There have been small clusters of people causing destruction and that is when there was a call for “a major security crackdown”. The market in Egypt was also going through a rough patch and they closed the market and re-opened it an hour later. On a good note the opposition leader has stated that he is returning from Europe and will participate in the peaceful protests and make sure it is kept peaceful. Finally, it was stated the lead fuel of these protests are to blogs, twitter, and Facebook.
As a Canadian citizen I do not know too well what major protests are all about. But, in Canada we know that Cairo is a magnificent place to travel to. Personally I believe that the president should just drop out and let his country be peaceful and happy. The citizens of Egypt and Cairo are no happy with the president and they all want him out of parliament. Due to the president not dropping out the market was on a steep fall and people are getting hurt in protests. If the president did really care about the people he would have dropped out. I also believe that the opposition leader is doing a great job by saying he will join the protest and make sure it is peaceful.
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