Wednesday, February 9, 2011

TTC worker charged in bus passenger assault

Toronto TTC bus driver is going to court for the assault of a bus passenger. The driver was arrested on Tuesday following the assault on January the 8th. The person who was shoved was a man names Isaac Gould. He was with his 10 year old son when the bus driver had assaulted Mr. Gould. It all started when a TTC bus driver boarded at the bus terminal and seemed irritated. The bus was completely full and the driver proceeded to the next stop. When the driver saw 5 more passengers he began to get angry. The bus driver got angry and screamed at all of the passengers to move back. There was no room for anyone to move and that is when the bus driver got up and pushed Mr. Gould into a poll on the bus. He then went to the back of the bus shoving all the people in the bus. Later on Gould called the 42 division of the police and the bus dispatcher ordered the driver to pull over. Gould said he is worried for the emotional impact on his son. This is the only way for him to pick up his son and his son doesn’t ant to take the TTC anymore. There will be a scheduled court appearance on March 7th.

I believe that the bus driver did a wrong thing by taking the situation to the next level. The driver should have just said to the people move back and just stay calm. The bus driver should be fired because that is not tolerated in today’s society. The TTC Company should also give the Gould family a VIP pass for the bus so that they can ride the bus for free. In conclusion I believe the gould family deserves an apology for the wrong done by the TTC driver.

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